George W. Bush Quotes

Latest George W. Bush quotes from Vice

George W. Bush

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George W. Bush is played by Sam Rockwell in Vice.


George W. Bush : Whaddaya say?... I want you to be my VP. I want you, you're ma vice.
Dick Cheney : Well, George, I, uh... I'm a CEO... of a large company. And I have been Secretary of Defense... and I have been White House Chief of Staff. The Vice Presidency is a mostly symbolic job.
George W. Bush : Uh-huh.
Dick Cheney : However, if we came to a, uh... different... understanding... I can handle the more mundane... jobs. Overseeing bureaucracy... military... energy... and, uh... foreign policy.
George W. Bush : [Finishes cleaning chicken grease off his fingers and stares at Cheney for a few seconds, then points at him] That sounds good!

George W. Bush : So we gonna do this thing, or what? I mean, is this happening?
Dick Cheney : I believe... we can make this work.
George W. Bush : Hehehe!
George W. Bush : Hot damn!

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