Ethan Hunt Quotes
Latest Ethan Hunt quotes from Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Solomon Lane : Do you, Ethan Hunt, take Julia as your lawful wedded wife?
Ethan Hunt : I do.
Solomon Lane : To have, to hold, to love, to love, cherish, honor, and protect?
Ethan Hunt : I do.
Solomon Lane : To shield from terrors known and unknown, to lie, to deceive, to lead a double life, to fail to prevent her abduction, erase her identity, force her into hiding, take away all she has known...
Ethan Hunt : Stop.
Solomon Lane : a selfish, futile, fleeting attempt...
Ethan Hunt : Stop.
Solomon Lane : escape your own true self.
Ethan Hunt : Please, stop!
Solomon Lane : And Julia, do you choose to accept?
Ethan Hunt : Don't.
Julia Meade-Hunt : I do.
Ethan Hunt : No!
Solomon Lane : You should have killed me, Ethan.
Solomon Lane : That was Ilsa.
Ethan Hunt : Shut up.
Solomon Lane : Very interesting. It's good to see you again, Ethan.
Alan Hunley : Accept it, Ethan. You've lost this one. What's done is done.
Ethan Hunt : What's done is done... when we say it's done.
Ethan Hunt : Julia... I'm sorry
Julia Meade-Hunt : There's no reason to be sorry
Ethan Hunt : I... I'm sorry for Everything... I
Julia Meade-Hunt : Look at me. Look at my life. I love what I do and I never would've found this if I hadn't met you. Everything that happened... it taught me who I am... it showed me what I'm capable of and I... I'm a survivor.
Ethan Hunt : But what happened here... it was my...
Julia Meade-Hunt : Nothing happened. Because You were here. And I sleep soundly at night knowing you always will be.
Ethan Hunt : You're Happy.
Julia Meade-Hunt : Very. I'm exactly where I should be. And so are you.
Zola : You want your plutonium? This is the price. Or do you draw the line at killing cops?
The White Widow : That's John Lark you're talking to.
Ethan Hunt : I've murdered women and children with smallpox. I have no line.
The White Widow : Right. Sleep well, everyone. Busy day tomorrow...
The CIA has been infiltrated. I don't trust anybody outside of this room. We're gonna have to go alone.
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