Dudley Smith Quotes

Latest Dudley Smith quotes from L.A. Confidential

Dudley Smith

Dudley Smith chatacter image

Dudley Smith is played by James Cromwell in L.A. Confidential.


I wouldn't trade places with Edmund Exley right now for all the whiskey in Ireland. image

I wouldn't trade places with Edmund Exley right now for all the whiskey in Ireland.


I admire you as a policeman - particularly your adherence to violence as a necessary adjunct to the job. image

I admire you as a policeman - particularly your adherence to violence as a necessary adjunct to the job.


Don't start tryin' to do the right thing, boy-o. You haven't the practice. image

Don't start tryin' to do the right thing, boy-o. You haven't the practice.


Reciprocity, Mr. Hudgens, is the key to every relationship.


Hush hush. image

Hush hush.


Go back to Jersey, sonny. This is the City of the Angels, and you haven't got any wings.


Hold up your badge, so they'll know you're a policeman.


I doubt you've ever taken a stupid breath. Don't start now.


Our justice must be swift and merciless.


You're a bit of a puzzlement to me these days, Wendell. You don't seem to be your old cruel self anymore. And I had such grand plans for your future.


Wendell - I'd like full and docile co-operation on every topic.


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