Dr. Naehring Quotes

Latest Dr. Naehring quotes from Shutter Island

Dr. Naehring

Dr. Naehring chatacter image

Dr. Naehring is played by Max von Sydow in Shutter Island.


Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Did you know that the word 'trauma' comes from the Greek for 'wound'? Hm? And what is the German word for 'dream'? Traum. Ein Traum. Wounds can create monsters, and you, you are wounded, Marshal. And wouldn't you agree, when you see a monster, you... you must stop it?
Teddy Daniels: Yeah... I agree.

Teddy Daniels: Soda and ice, please, thanks.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Oh. You don't indulge in alcohol? I'm surprised. Isn't it common for men in your profession to imbibe?
Teddy Daniels: Common enough. And... in yours?
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Er... I'm sorry?
Teddy Daniels: Your profession, Doctor, psychiatry.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Yes?
Teddy Daniels: I always heard it was overrun with boozers and drunks.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Not that I noticed.
Teddy Daniels: What's that, ice tea in your glass there?
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Excellent, Marshal. You have outstanding defense mechanisms. You must be quite adept at interrogations.

Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: You both served overseas, huh?
Chuck Aule: It's not much of a stretch, Doc. For all you know, we're both paper pushers over there.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: No, you are not. - Since the schoolyard, neither of you has ever walked away from a physical conflict. No, no, not because you enjoyed it, but because retreat isn't something you consider an option.
Chuck Aule: We weren't raised to run, Doc.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Ah, yes. Raised. And who raised you, Marshal?
Teddy Daniels: Me? Wolves.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Very impressive defense mechanisms.

Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Men like you are my specialty, you know. Men of violence.
Chuck Aule: Now, that's a hell of an assumption to make.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: No assumption, no, not at all. You misunderstand me. I said, you are 'men of violence'. I'm not accusing you of being violent men. That's quite different.

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