Dr. Ivo Robotnik Quotes

Latest Dr. Ivo Robotnik quotes from Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)

Dr. Ivo Robotnik

Dr. Ivo Robotnik chatacter image

Dr. Ivo Robotnik is played by Jim Carrey in Sonic the Hedgehog (2020).


Confidence. A fool's substitute for intelligence. image

Confidence. A fool's substitute for intelligence.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik : Is he still looking at me funny?
Agent Stone : Yes, he is.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : Tell him to stop, or I'll pull up his search history.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik : Are you in charge here?
Major Bennington : Yes I a...
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : NOPE!
Major Bennington : My...
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : WRONG!
Major Bennington : Na...
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : I'M IN CHARGE!
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : Allow me to clarify
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on level of critical importance, the disparity between us is to vast to quantify. Agent Stone
Agent Stone : The doctor thinks you're basic
Major Bennington : Listen pal, I don't know if you realize who...
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : I'm sorry major what was your name?
Major Bennington : Benningt...
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : NOBODY CARES!

You're not allowed up there! That's one of the Seven Wonders! image

You're not allowed up there! That's one of the Seven Wonders!

You know what the problem is with being the smartest person in the world? Everyone else seems stupid

Nobody care that our mommy is proud you can read at a 3rd grade level. Have you read Charlotte's Web yet? Spoiler alert; she dies. And leaves behind a big giant egg sac. Look what came out of my egg sac.

Eenie, meenie, miney, mayhem.

I'm sure you're hella popular.

Look at that. I was right. Note the lack of surprise.

Thank you, Officer Brainfart. image

Thank you, Officer Brainfart.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for me. image

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for me.

Uninhabited planet, no resources, no supplies, no apparent way home... A lesser man would die. I'll be home by Christmas!

Welcome to San Francisco, Mr. Wachowski. Are you enjoying the clam chowder?

Agent Stone : I just thought you might like a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk?
Dr. Ivo Robotnik : What do I look like, an imbecile? Of course I want a latte. I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM!

Let's go do some ROCK-conaissance!

Eeney, meeney, miney, Mayhem.

I'm the top banana in a world full of monkeys.

 Here's the thing: I'm never wrong. image

Here's the thing: I'm never wrong.

Whatever this creature is, I'm going to uncover the source of its power.

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