Dr. Bhaskar K. Bannerjee Quotes

Latest Dr. Bhaskar K. Bannerjee quotes from Anand

Dr. Bhaskar K. Bannerjee

Dr. Bhaskar K. Bannerjee chatacter image

Dr. Bhaskar K. Bannerjee is played by Amitabh Bachchan in Anand.


Today, I met Anand Sehgal, a resident of Delhi. He just stormed into the room. He laughed and joked most of the time... knowing full well he was going to die. I wonder whether he was laughing at life or death. image

Today, I met Anand Sehgal, a resident of Delhi. He just stormed into the room. He laughed and joked most of the time... knowing full well he was going to die. I wonder whether he was laughing at life or death.

 Humans can't do much. We have reached the moon. We have conquered space. But what have we done to overcome illnesses, grief, and pain? Nothing. I feel so helpless, Prakash. image

Humans can't do much. We have reached the moon. We have conquered space. But what have we done to overcome illnesses, grief, and pain? Nothing. I feel so helpless, Prakash.

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