Deborah Quotes

Latest Deborah quotes from Once Upon a Time in America


Deborah chatacter image

Deborah is played by Elizabeth McGovern in Once Upon a Time in America.


Age can wither me, Noodles. We're both getting old. All that we have left now are our memories. If you go to that party on Saturday night, you won't have those anymore. Tear up that invitation. image

Age can wither me, Noodles. We're both getting old. All that we have left now are our memories. If you go to that party on Saturday night, you won't have those anymore. Tear up that invitation.


This is Secretary Bailey's son. His name is David, just like yours. image

This is Secretary Bailey's son. His name is David, just like yours.


I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Hollywood. I wanted to see you tonight to tell you. image

I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Hollywood. I wanted to see you tonight to tell you.


There's an exit back this way. Noodles, go through it. Keep walking. Don't turn around. Please, Noodles, I'm begging you, please.


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