David Aames Quotes
Latest David Aames quotes from Vanilla Sky (2001)
I want to live a real life... I don't want to dream any longer.
Say everything now, now, now, now.
My dreams are a cruel joke. They taunt me. Even in my dreams I'm an idiot... who knows he's about to wake up to reality. If I could only avoid sleep. But I can't. I try to tell myself what to dream. I try to dream that I am flying. Something free. It never works...
My father wrote about this in his book. Chapter 1... Page 1... Paragraph 1: What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?... Money.
Even in my dreams I feel like an idiot who's about to wake up.
He never watched television, and yet his biggest magazine is still the TV Digest.
Thomas Tipp was right; people will read again.
Thomas Tipp was right; people will read again.
How do you think watertight contracts are broken?
You weren't invited...
Let's go to your house and we'll talk or something. I want to see where you live.
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