Cybil Bennett Quotes

Latest Cybil Bennett quotes from Silent Hill

Cybil Bennett

Cybil Bennett chatacter image

Cybil Bennett is played by Laurie Holden in Silent Hill.


What the fuck? What the fuck? You saw that right? That was real? What the fuck is going on? image

What the fuck? What the fuck? You saw that right? That was real? What the fuck is going on?


Cybil Bennett : Hey there. Is everything all right?
Sharon : Don't talk to strangers.
Cybil Bennett : Good girl.


Cybil Bennett : Hey there. Is everything all right?
Sharon : Don't talk to strangers.
Cybil Bennett : Good girl. image

Cybil Bennett : Hey there. Is everything all right?
Sharon : Don't talk to strangers.
Cybil Bennett : Good girl.


What the fuck? What the fuck? You saw that right? That was real? What the fuck is going on?


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