Cpl. Philippe Paris Quotes

Latest Cpl. Philippe Paris quotes from Paths of Glory

Cpl. Philippe Paris

Cpl. Philippe Paris chatacter image

Cpl. Philippe Paris is played by Ralph Meeker in Paths of Glory.


Corporal Paris:   See that cockroach?
Corporal Paris: Tomorrow morning, we'll be dead, and it'll be alive. It'll have more contact with my wife and child than I will. I'll be nothing, and it'll be alive.
Private Ferol:   Now you've got the edge on him! image

Corporal Paris: See that cockroach?
Corporal Paris: Tomorrow morning, we'll be dead, and it'll be alive. It'll have more contact with my wife and child than I will. I'll be nothing, and it'll be alive.
Private Ferol: Now you've got the edge on him!

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