Cooper Quotes

Latest Cooper quotes from Interstellar (2014)


Cooper chatacter image

Cooper is played by Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar (2014).


 Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here. image

Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.


We agreed Amelia. 90%.


Brand : Very graceful.
Cooper : No. But very efficient. image

Brand : Very graceful.
Cooper : No. But very efficient.


 Disengage Endurance Two image

Disengage Endurance Two


Who's they? image

Who's they?


Come on, TARS! image

Come on, TARS!


Mann was lying. image

Mann was lying.


This world's a treasure, Don; but it's been telling us to leave for a while now. image

This world's a treasure, Don; but it's been telling us to leave for a while now.


We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt. image

We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.


Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future.


Cooper : Hey TARS, what's your honesty parameter?
TARS : 90 percent.
Cooper : 90 percent?
TARS : Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings.
Cooper : Okay, 90 percent it is.


TARS : Settings. General settings. Security settings.
TARS : Honesty, new setting: ninety-five percent.
TARS : Confirmed. Additional settings.
Cooper : Humor, seventy-five percent.
TARS : Confirmed. Self destruct sequence in T minus 10, 9...
Cooper : Let's make that sixty percent.
TARS : Sixty percent, confirmed. Knock knock.
Cooper : You want fifty-five?


We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. Or perhaps we've just forgotten that we are still pioneers. And we've barely begun. And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, that our destiny lies above us.


If we find a home, then what?


You fucking coward.


Cooper : I'm coming back...
Young Murph : crying When?


We're still pioneers, we barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, cause our destiny lies above us.


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