Charlotte York Quotes

Latest Charlotte York quotes from Sex and the City

Charlotte York

Charlotte York chatacter image

Charlotte York is played by Kristin Davis in Sex and the City.


Carrie, I love you. But it is not my job to fix your finances. You are a thire-five-year-old woman. You have to learn how to stand on your own. image

Carrie, I love you. But it is not my job to fix your finances. You are a thire-five-year-old woman. You have to learn how to stand on your own.

Charlotte: The thing is... there are some things people don't admit because they just don't like the way it sounds. Like, 'I'm getting divorced.'
Carrie: I'm lonely. I am. The loneliness is palpable.

I'm having a Jewish wedding and I look like Hitler!

Charlotte York: I hate it when you're the only single person at a dinner party and they all look at you like you're a...
Carrie Bradshaw: Loser?
Miranda Hobbes: Leper.
Samantha Jones: Whore.

Charlotte: She stole my baby name!
Samantha: You bitch! Let's go home.

Charlotte York: Is he a good kisser?
Samantha Jones: Oh, who the fuck cares? His dick is like a gherkin.

Allow me to get right to the point. After careful consideration, I have decided that this is the year I am getting married.


They were supposed to say, "I'm sorry for your loss," not "You're dead, let's disco..."


Charlotte York: I feel like we don't belong here!
Carrie Bradshaw: That's because we're wearing shirts!
Miranda Hobbes: Seriously, why don't straight men have bodies like this?
Carrie Bradshaw: Because gay men have the possibility of sex at the gym! If straight men had that they'd be working out all the time too!
Samantha Jones: I've had sex at the gym!
Carrie Bradshaw: See, Samantha's doing her part to motivate the masses!

Charlotte: Everyone knows you only get two great loves in your life.
Carrie: Everyone who? Where'd you get that?
Charlotte: I read it in a magazine.
Miranda: What magazine, "Convenient Theories for You Monthly"?

To single women everywhere, and one in particular... my good friend Charlotte, the eternal optimist, who always believes in love.

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