Cecil Gaines Quotes

Latest Cecil Gaines quotes from Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)

Cecil Gaines

Cecil Gaines chatacter image

Cecil Gaines is played by Forest Whitaker in Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013).


 I'm Cecil Gaines. I'm the new butler.

I'm Cecil Gaines. I'm the new butler.


You must look through your eyes, see what it is that they want, see what it is that they need, anticipate, bring a smile to the principal's eyes. image

You must look through your eyes, see what it is that they want, see what it is that they need, anticipate, bring a smile to the principal's eyes.


The only thing I ever knew was cotton. It was hard work. image

The only thing I ever knew was cotton. It was hard work.


I don't think God meant for people to not have a family. image

I don't think God meant for people to not have a family.


Vietnam took my boy, and I didn't understand why we were there in the first place. image

Vietnam took my boy, and I didn't understand why we were there in the first place.


America has always turned a blind eye to what we done to our own. We look out to the world and judge. We hear about the concentration camps but these camps went on for two hundred years right here in America.


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