Captain Hector Barbossa Quotes

Latest Captain Hector Barbossa quotes from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

Captain Hector Barbossa

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Captain Hector Barbossa is played by Geoffrey Rush in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017).


Shansa : The price of crossing my door is blood, Captain.
Captain Hector Barbossa : That explains why you're not so busy.
Shansa : Everyone pays, eventually.
Captain Hector Barbossa : Shansa, you and I made a bond long ago. I saved you from the gallows, remember?
Shansa : And I cursed your enemies. But now you come to me with fear. As the dead have taken command over the sea.
Captain Hector Barbossa : And what would the dead be wanting with me?
Shansa : Not you, Captain. They're searching for a sparrow.
Captain Hector Barbossa : Jack?
Shansa : Jack who sails for the trident... With a girl and a Pearl.
Captain Hector Barbossa : The trident can never be found.
Shansa : The trident is Jack's only hope. The dead are conquering the sea, unable to step on dry land. Maybe you should retire to the countryside.
Captain Hector Barbossa : You mean grass, on a farm? Milking a cow, making cheese? While they sink me treasure?
Shansa : Ask yourself this, Captain: Is this treasure worth dying for?
Captain Hector Barbossa : I'm a pirate. Always will be! So how do I save what be mine?

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