Beech Quotes

Latest Beech quotes from Oblivion


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Beech is played by Morgan Freeman in Oblivion.


Malcolm Beech: You had me worried for a second. I thought you weren't coming back.
Jack Harper: Well, I had to prove him wrong.
Malcolm Beech: You look like shit.
Jack Harper: Oh, you should see the other guy.
Malcolm Beech: If I'd told you what you'd find out there, you would've thought I was crazy.
Jack Harper: Oh, I still do.


Malcolm Beech: You had me worried for a second. I thought you weren't coming back.
Jack Harper: Well, I had to prove him wrong.
Malcolm Beech: You look like shit.
Jack Harper: Oh, you should see the other guy.
Malcolm Beech: If I'd told you what you'd find out there, you would've thought I was crazy.
Jack Harper: Oh, I still do.


Malcolm Beech: That is one pissed off weapon.
Jack Harper: No, it's just a machine. I'm the weapon.
Malcolm Beech: Oh, I would love to be there to see that things' face when this goes off.
Jack Harper: Then it'd be a one way trip.
Malcolm Beech: Yeah! But it'd be worth it.


Malcolm Beech: I would love to be there to see that thing's face when this goes off.
Jack Harper: That would be a one-way trip.
Malcolm Beech: Yeah, but it would be worth it.


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