Baran Quotes

Latest Baran quotes from The Bandit


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Baran is played by Sener Sen in The Bandit.


 Don't be afraid, you will just go to soil, then you will become soil, then you will walk to the body of a flower with waters. From there, you will reach the essence. A bee will get to the essence of the flower. Maybe, maybe that bee will be me. image

Don't be afraid, you will just go to soil, then you will become soil, then you will walk to the body of a flower with waters. From there, you will reach the essence. A bee will get to the essence of the flower. Maybe, maybe that bee will be me.


They shot me in the jail, I did not die. I got sick and lost one of my lung and I did not die again. They have beaten me, my mouth was full of blood but I did not die. I lived... I lived just to see you again one last time. They told me that you went silent after I jailed. Nobody heard your voice. Will you talk with me now? Can I hear your voice again. image

They shot me in the jail, I did not die. I got sick and lost one of my lung and I did not die again. They have beaten me, my mouth was full of blood but I did not die. I lived... I lived just to see you again one last time. They told me that you went silent after I jailed. Nobody heard your voice. Will you talk with me now? Can I hear your voice again.


Berfo: You lost your woman only for a random guy. That woman waited you throughout her life. What is the importance of life against love?
Baran: Right... What is the importance of life against love?


I am ready to burn in the hell for this love. And you?


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