Aunt Petunia Quotes

Latest Aunt Petunia quotes from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Aunt Petunia

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Aunt Petunia is played by Fiona Shaw in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004).


Aunt Marge You mustn't blame yourself about how this one turned out, Vernon. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out.
Aunt Marge : What is it the boy's father did, Petunia?
Aunt Petunia : Oh, nothing. He didn't work; he was unemployed.
Aunt Marge : And a drunk too, no doubt?
Harry : That's a lie!
Aunt Marge : What did you say?
Harry : My dad wasn't a drunk!
Aunt Marge : Oh, don't worry Petunia. I have a very firm grip.

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