Anand Saigal Quotes

Latest Anand Saigal quotes from Anand

Anand Saigal

Anand Saigal chatacter image

Anand Saigal is played by Rajesh Khanna in Anand.


Babumoshai, life should be big, not long. image

Babumoshai, life should be big, not long.


We stretch and pull the sadness of the future and bring it onto today's happiness and we poison that happiness. image

We stretch and pull the sadness of the future and bring it onto today's happiness and we poison that happiness.


You know what our problem is? We worry about the impending grief and ruin our happiness. image

You know what our problem is? We worry about the impending grief and ruin our happiness.


Sadness can be beautiful, Babumoshai. image

Sadness can be beautiful, Babumoshai.


jab tak zinda hoon tab tak mara nahin jar mara gaya sala mein hi nahin


Death is just a moment.


If you stop living out of fear of death, it's worse than death.


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