Ally Quotes

Latest Ally quotes from A Star Is Born (2018)


Ally chatacter image

Ally is played by Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born (2018).


Ally : I started writing this song the other day. Maybe that could work, like as a chorus or something.
Ally : I'm off the deep end. Watch as I dive in. I never the meet the ground. Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us. We're far from the shallow now. image

Ally : I started writing this song the other day. Maybe that could work, like as a chorus or something.
Ally : I'm off the deep end. Watch as I dive in. I never the meet the ground. Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us. We're far from the shallow now.


I won't do this again. I won't come and find you. Next time you can clean up your own mess. image

I won't do this again. I won't come and find you. Next time you can clean up your own mess.


Nobody ever asks you about you, huh? image

Nobody ever asks you about you, huh?


Ally : Hello, I'm Ally Maine. Thank you for being here tonight to honor my husband. He wrote a song for me. I'd like to sing it for him tonight. And with your help, maybe I can. Thank you.
Ally : Really. Thank you.


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