Xander Cage Quotes

Latest Xander Cage quotes from xXx: Return of Xander Cage

Xander Cage

Xander Cage chatacter image

Xander Cage is played by Vin Diesel in xXx: Return of Xander Cage.


I live for this shit. image

I live for this shit.


Wow, that's an impressive trick. image

Wow, that's an impressive trick.


Augustus Gibbons : Let me simplify it for you. Kick some ass, get the girl, and try to look dope while you do it.
Xander Cage : I could definitely make that work.


Xander Cage : That's a hell of a car!
Darius Stone : Yeah. Gibbons told me to keep an eye on it. He said I'd know why when I need to know why. Now I know why.
Xander Cage : It's exactly the way I left it.
Darius Stone : I took it on a date or two.


Xander Cage : Wow. No wonder our country's in debt trillions of dollars. Do you really need all these gadgets to get the bad guys?
Jane Marke : Oh, we don't need any of it. But it makes the catching a hell of a lot more fun.


Jane Marke : Agent Clearidge worked closely with Gibbons. She'll handle support for the operation.
Becky Clearidge : And I bet a guy like you needs a lot of support. What are you? Like 220? 230? Be honest. 250 is the hard max for my swing.
Xander Cage : Oh, come on.
Becky Clearidge : I'm kidding. It's not like I have a safe word, or anything. It's "kumquat." Never really think about it. Kumquat.


Paul Donovan : What's wrong, hotshot? No witty comeback?
Xander Cage : No. I just finally figured out that math problem.
Xander Cage : It's gonna take two flushes.


Jane Marke : Your country needs you, Mr. Cage. The Triple-X program needs you. It's time to be a patriot.
Xander Cage : By whose definition? The last time I was patriotic, I got three strikes. And there was only one man who believed in the underdog. Patriotism is dead. There's only rebels and tyrants now.
Jane Marke : So, which are you?
Xander Cage : I'm Triple-X.


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