Warden Norton Quotes

Latest Warden Norton quotes from The Shawshank Redemption

Warden Norton

Warden Norton chatacter image

Warden Norton is played by Bob Gunton in The Shawshank Redemption.


I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.

Warden Samuel Norton: Well?
Red: Well what?
Warden Samuel Norton: I see you two all the time, you're thick as thieves, you are. He musta said something.
Red: Honest, Warden, not a word.
Warden Samuel Norton: Lord, it's a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind! Nothing left but some damn rocks on the windowsill. And that cupcake on the wall! Let's ask her, maybe she knows.
Warden Samuel Norton: What say you there, fuzzy-britches? Feel like talking? Aw, guess not. Why should she be any different?
Warden Samuel Norton: This is a conspiracy, that's what it is.
Warden Samuel Norton: One... big... damn conspiracy! And everyone's in on it, including her!

Salvation lies within. image

Salvation lies within.

I want him found. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast - now!

I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.

Warden Samuel Norton: Do you enjoy working in the laundry?
Andy Dufresne: No sir, not especially.

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