Stenz Quotes

Latest Stenz quotes from White House Down


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Stenz is played by Jason Clarke in White House Down.


Walker : You just killed the Secretary of Defense.
Stenz : Well, he wasn't doing a very good job.


Walker : Cake?
Stenz : No, I don't want cake! I'm diabetic!
Walker : Where are you going?
Stenz : I'm going to end/finish this!
Walker : Don't make this personal!
Stenz : DON'T TELL ME NOT TO TAKE/MAKE THIS PERSONAL! You're gonna blow up half the world... FOR YOUR OWN GOD DAMN KID!


Stenz : Welcome to the White House, Mr. Tyler.
Tyler : I love what you've done with the place. The, uh, bullet holes really add to the décor.


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