Solomon Vandy Quotes

Latest Solomon Vandy quotes from Blood Diamond

Solomon Vandy

Solomon Vandy chatacter image

Solomon Vandy is played by Djimon Hounsou in Blood Diamond.


I understand White people want our diamonds, yes. But how can my own people do this to each other? image

I understand White people want our diamonds, yes. But how can my own people do this to each other?


Dia, What are you doing? Dia! Look at me, look at me. What are you doing? You are Dia Vendy, of the proud Mende tribe. You are a good boy who loves soccer and school. Your mother loves you so much. She waits by the fire making plantains, and red palm oil stew with your sister N'Yanda and the new baby. The cows wait for you. And Babu, the wild dog who minds no one but you. I know they made you do bad things, but you are not a bad boy. I am your father who loves you. And you will come home with me and be my son again.


He is my son. I am his father. I must go find him. Go ahead, shoot me if you want, but I will go find him.


I will find you... If it takes my life.


Solomon Vandy: Dia, come on.
Dia Vandy: Leave me alone!
Solomon Vandy: Dia it is me, your father. Let's go.
Dia Vandy: I don't know you! Fisherman!
Dia Vandy: Get him, get him!

Solomon Vandy: Dia. Dia. Don't want to be late.
Dia Vandy: English boys don't go to school every day.

Solomon Vandy: Dia, come on.
Dia Vandy: Leave me alone!
Solomon Vandy: Dia it is me, your father. Let's go.
Dia Vandy: I don't know you! Fisherman!
Dia Vandy: Get him, get him!

Solomon Vandy: Dia. Dia. Don't want to be late.
Dia Vandy: English boys don't go to school every day.

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