Serge X. Quotes

Latest Serge X. quotes from The Grand Budapest Hotel

Serge X.

Serge X. chatacter image

Serge X. is played by Mathieu Amalric in The Grand Budapest Hotel.


Serge X.: Forgive me, Monsieur Gustave, I never meant to betray you. They threatened my life and now they've murdered my only family.
M. Gustave: No! Who'd they kill this time?
Serge X.: My dear sister.
M. Gustave: The girl with the club foot?
Serge X.: Yes.
M. Gustave: Those fuckers!


Serge X.: There's more.
M. Gustave: Okay...
Serge X.: To the story.
M. Gustave: I get it, go on.
Serge X.: I was the official witness in Madame D's presence to the creation of a second will to be executed only in the event of her death by murder.
M. Gustave: A second will?
Serge X.: Right.
M. Gustave: In case she got bumped off?
Serge X.: Right.
M. Gustave: Uh-huh...
Serge X.: But they destroyed it.
M. Gustave: Oh dear.
Serge X.: However...
M. Gustave: Uh-huh...
Serge X.: I pulled a copy.
M. Gustave: A second copy of the second will?
Serge X.: Right.
M. Gustave: Uh-huh...


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