Preston Packard Quotes

Latest Preston Packard quotes from Kong: Skull Island

Preston Packard

Preston Packard chatacter image

Preston Packard is played by Samuel L. Jackson in Kong: Skull Island.


  Die, you motherf... image

Die, you motherf...

 We are dealing with a monster from a bygone era. image

We are dealing with a monster from a bygone era.

I know an enemy when I see one. image

I know an enemy when I see one.

 That is one ugly ass bird. image

That is one ugly ass bird.

And remember the story of Icarus, whose father gave him wings of wax. Warned him not to fly too close to the sun. But the exhilaration was too great. So he flew higher and higher, until the sun melted his wings, and he fell into the sea. The US Army is not an irresponsible father. So they gave us wings of hot Pennsylvania steel, guaranteed not to melt.


It's time to show Kong that man is king!


That's one ugly-ass bird.


All this, and for what?


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