Jack Crawford Quotes

Latest Jack Crawford quotes from The Silence of the Lambs

Jack Crawford

Jack Crawford chatacter image

Jack Crawford is played by Scott Glenn in The Silence of the Lambs.


Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head. image

Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head.


Paul Krendler: Senator Martin's been on the line. Did you have a trainee make a kind of phoney deal with Lecter?
Jack Crawford: Yeah, I rolled the dice, I had to.
Paul Krendler: Well, she's mad as Hell, Jack. image

Paul Krendler: Senator Martin's been on the line. Did you have a trainee make a kind of phoney deal with Lecter?
Jack Crawford: Yeah, I rolled the dice, I had to.
Paul Krendler: Well, she's mad as Hell, Jack.


Look at it, Starling. Tell me what you see.


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