Hannah Quotes

Latest Hannah quotes from The Great Dictator


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Hannah is played by Paulette Goddard in The Great Dictator.


It's all right now. They've gone. Thanks, mister! Ah, that did me a lot of good. You sure got nerve the way you fought back! That's what we should all do. Fight back! We can't fight alone; but, we can lick 'em together! We didn't do so bad, did we? image

It's all right now. They've gone. Thanks, mister! Ah, that did me a lot of good. You sure got nerve the way you fought back! That's what we should all do. Fight back! We can't fight alone; but, we can lick 'em together! We didn't do so bad, did we?


Sometimes I get so carried away, I don't know what I'm doing. Aren't you like that? image

Sometimes I get so carried away, I don't know what I'm doing. Aren't you like that?


I wish I had a business like this. There's no future in housework.


Life could be wonderful if people'd leave you alone. image

Life could be wonderful if people'd leave you alone.


Do you ever daydream? I do. That's the only time I'm really happy. Dreaming.


Gee! Ain't I cute.


Never mind. We can start again. We can go to Osterlich. That's still a free country. Mr. Jaeckel says it's beautiful there. Wonderful green fields and they grow apples and grapes. Mr. Jaeckel's brother's got a vineyard in Osterlich. And when Mr. Jaeckel goes there, he said he'd take me with him. Now we can all go together.


Look at that star. Isn't it beautiful. One thing, Hynkel, with all his power, can never touch that.


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