Hal Jordan Quotes

Latest Hal Jordan quotes from Green Lantern

Hal Jordan

Hal Jordan  chatacter image

Hal Jordan is played by Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern.


 I, Hal Jordan, do solemnly swear to pledge allegiance... to a lantern, that I got from a dying purple alien in a swamp. image

I, Hal Jordan, do solemnly swear to pledge allegiance... to a lantern, that I got from a dying purple alien in a swamp.


To infinity and beyond!... By the power of Grayskull! image

To infinity and beyond!... By the power of Grayskull!


 Sorry, I'm late. Help yourself, there's water from the tap! image

Sorry, I'm late. Help yourself, there's water from the tap!


 Do you think I'm irresponsible? image

Do you think I'm irresponsible?


Parallax : I feel your fear growing. You will be dead soon...
Hal Jordan : [moaning] In brightest day, in blackest night...
Parallax : ...and when you are gone, I will destroy everything you ever loved...
Hal Jordan : ...no evil shall escape my sight...
Parallax : ...your family, your home, your planet will be no more.
Hal Jordan : ...let those who worship evil's might...
Parallax : Your entire human race will be wiped out, because you, Hal Jordan, were afraid.


In brightest day, in blackest night no evil shall escape my sight Let those who worship evil's might beware of my power, Green Lantern's light.
Hal Jordan : ...beware of my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!


Thomas Kalmaku : What happens now?
Hal Jordan : I go looking for trouble!


The ring chose me for a reason... and this is the one.


Carol Ferris : You can never beat this! You'll die!
Hal Jordan : At least I can get it away from here.
Carol Ferris : How do you think you're going to do that?
Hal Jordan : I don't know! Maybe I can outthink it... dogfight!
Carol Ferris : You beat only a couple of jets!
Hal Jordan : Unbeatable jets!

Carol Ferris : Wait, go back. How did the ring make a mistake?
Hal Jordan : The one thing a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless. "Fearless"

Hal Jordan : Stay here!
Carol Ferris : No problem!

Hal Jordan : Anything I see in my mind, I can create. I've just got to focus.
Carol Ferris : Anything?

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