Diana Quotes

Latest Diana quotes from Wonder Woman


Diana chatacter image

Diana is played by Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman.


 I can not stand by while innocent lives are lost! image

I can not stand by while innocent lives are lost!


 It's wonderful. You should be very proud. image

It's wonderful. You should be very proud.


Queen Hippolyta : You know that if you choose to leave, you may never return.
Diana Prince : Who will I be if I stay?


A liar, a murderer, and, now, a smuggler. Lovely. image

A liar, a murderer, and, now, a smuggler. Lovely.


What one does with the truth is more difficult than you think. I learnt this the hard way, a long, long time ago. And now, my life will never be the same...


Ludendorff : What are you?
Wonder Woman : You will soon find out.


Ludendorff : You know your ancient Greeks? They understood that war is a god. A god that requires human sacrifice. And in exchange, war gives man purpose. Meaning. A chance to rise above his petty mortal little self. And be courageous. Noble. Better.
Diana Prince : Only one of the many gods believed in that. And he was wrong.
Ludendorff : You know nothing of the gods.


We made a deal, Steve Trevor. And a deal is a promise. And a promise is unbreakable.


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