Cosmo Castorini Quotes

Latest Cosmo Castorini quotes from Moonstruck

Cosmo Castorini

Cosmo Castorini chatacter image

Cosmo Castorini is played by Vincent Gardenia in Moonstruck.


I can't sleep any more. It's too much like death. image

I can't sleep any more. It's too much like death.

Cosmo Castorini : Rose. Rose. Rose! Rose!
Rose : Who's dead? image

Cosmo Castorini : Rose. Rose. Rose! Rose!
Rose : Who's dead?

There are three kinds of pipe. There's what you have, which is garbage - and you can see where that's gotten you. There's bronze, which is pretty good, unless something goes wrong. And something always goes wrong. Then, there's copper, which is the only pipe I use. It costs money. It costs money because it saves money.

Birds fly to the stars - I guess... image

Birds fly to the stars - I guess...

Cosmo Castorini : What's the matter, Pop?
Old Man : I'm confused!


Rose : I just want you to know no matter what you do, you're gonna die, just like everybody else.
Cosmo Castorini : Thank you, Rose.


Cosmo Castorini : A man understands one day that his life is built on nothing, and that's a bad, crazy day.
Rose : Your life is not built on nothing! Ti amo.


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