Chuck Aule Quotes

Latest Chuck Aule quotes from Shutter Island

Chuck Aule

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Chuck Aule is played by Mark Ruffalo in Shutter Island.


Teddy Daniels: You know, this place makes me wonder.
Chuck Aule: Yeah, what's that, boss?
Teddy Daniels: Which would be worse - to live as a monster, or to die as a good man?
Chuck Aule: Teddy?

Teddy Daniels: So, what's our next move?
Chuck Aule: You tell me.
Teddy Daniels: I gotta get off this rock, Chuck. Get back to the mainland. Whatever the hell's going on here, it's bad.
Teddy Daniels: Don't worry, partner, they're not gonna catch us.
Chuck Aule: That's right, we're too smart for 'em.
Teddy Daniels: Yeah, we are, aren't we?
Teddy Daniels: You know, this place makes me wonder.
Chuck Aule: Yeah, what's that, boss?
Teddy Daniels: Which would be worse - to live as a monster? Or to die as a good man?

Chuck Aule: All I know is it's a mental hospital.
Teddy Daniels: ...for the criminally insane.

Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Men like you are my specialty, you know. Men of violence.
Chuck Aule: Now, that's a hell of an assumption to make.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: No assumption, no, not at all. You misunderstand me. I said, you are 'men of violence'. I'm not accusing you of being violent men. That's quite different.

Teddy Daniels: They're experimenting on people here.
Chuck Aule: I don't know, boss. How can you believe a crazy guy?
Teddy Daniels: That's the beauty of it. Mental Patients make the perfect subjects, if they talk nobody listens to them!

Chuck Aule: Nice music, who is that, Brahms?
Teddy Daniels: No. It's Mahler.

Chuck Aule: You okay boss?
Teddy Daniels: Yeah fine, I just ah, I just can't, can't stomach the water.

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