Barbossa Quotes

Latest Barbossa quotes from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)


Barbossa chatacter image

Barbossa is played by Geoffrey Rush in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011).


  You can sleep when you're dead! image

You can sleep when you're dead!


 Gentlemen, I will not ask more of any man than what that man can do. But I will ask this: are we not king's men? image

Gentlemen, I will not ask more of any man than what that man can do. But I will ask this: are we not king's men?


For the Pearl! image

For the Pearl!


 Hands aloft and bear away! Stable ahead to White Cap Bay! image

Hands aloft and bear away! Stable ahead to White Cap Bay!


Taken, not lost. We were off the coast of Hispanola when we came under attack. No provocation, nor warning or offer of parley. We were peppered with cannon fire. And then the sea beneath the Pearl began to roil. The Pearl was pitching and yawing so violently and every rail and spar all at once began to creak - the rigging had come to life! Our own ship turned against us. Tangling the crew, wrapping them like snakes... and wrapping around my leg! But my arms were free and my sword was still in my hand. I am the master of my ship, not Blackbeard. I am the master of my fate, not Blackbeard! So I did what needed done... I survived.


Barbossa : We travel by foot! Gibbs, I require a heading.
Groves : Sir. The men!
Barbossa : They be dead already.
Groves : They don't sound dead.
Barbossa : Oh, is that so? Well, I hear nothing but seagulls, nesting. What is it that you hear, Mr. Groves?
Groves : Seaguls... nesting. Nothing more.
Barbossa : Heading, Gibbs?


If forty pirates dreamt forty nights of treasure, it would not match the contents of this room


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