Annie Quotes

Latest Annie quotes from Hereditary


Annie chatacter image

Annie is played by Toni Collette in Hereditary.


It's heartening to see so many strange, new faces here today. I know my mom would be very touched, and probably a little suspicious. image

It's heartening to see so many strange, new faces here today. I know my mom would be very touched, and probably a little suspicious.


Annie : I never wanted to be your mother.
Peter : Why?
Annie : I was scared. I didn't feel like a mother. But she pressured me.
Peter : Then why did you have me?
Annie : It wasn't my fault! I tried to stop it.
Peter : How?
Annie : I tried to have a miscarriage.
Peter : How?
Annie : However I could. I did everything they told me not to do, but it didn't work. I'm happy it didn't work.
Peter : You tried to kill me.
Annie : No, I love you!
Peter : Why did you try to kill me?
Annie : I didn't! I was trying to save you!


Joan : You didn't kill her, Annie.
Annie : What?
Joan : She isn't gone


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