Tyler Rake Quotes

Latest Tyler Rake quotes from Extraction

Tyler Rake

Tyler Rake chatacter image

Tyler Rake is a former Special Air Service Regiment operator who has now become a black market mercenary. He is recruited by fellow mercenary Nik Khan to save the son of an Indian drug lord from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Tyler Rake is played by Chris Hemsworth in Extraction.


I wasn’t even there when he died. image

I wasn’t even there when he died.


No matter how badass you think you are, there is always a badass bigger than you. - Amir to Tyler image

No matter how badass you think you are, there is always a badass bigger than you. - Amir to Tyler


Okay, when I tell you to, you better run like hell, or I am going to kill you both. You understand? image

Okay, when I tell you to, you better run like hell, or I am going to kill you both. You understand?


The best thing you can do is go put a bullet in his brain, make it painless. Because the animals out there are not going to be as kind to him. – [Gaspar to Tyler]


Proceeding to extraction. image

Proceeding to extraction.


Ovi Mahajan Jr.: If you were always this way? You know, brave.
Tyler Rake: I’m not brave, mate.
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: Of course you are. You rescue people.
Tyler Rake: Yeah, sometimes. Sometimes I do other things.
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: Like killing people?
Tyler Rake: Yeah.

I need the money, chicken ain’t cheap.


Tyler Rake: You see that helicopter? I need you to run as fast as you can for it.
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: No. Please. Please, get up.

Ovi Mahajan Jr.: I want to go home.
Tyler Rake: I will get you home, mate. I will get you home.

Ovi Mahajan Jr.: You know, You drown not by falling into the river, but by staying submerged in it.
Tyler Rake: Who told you that?
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: I read it in a book in school.

Ovi Mahajan Jr.: If you had been killed today, it would have been my fault.
Tyler Rake: No, mate. It would have been my fault.

Gaspar: Good to see you, man.
Tyler Rake: I appreciate you coming for us.
Gaspar: What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t insult me.


Ovi Mahajan Jr.: Are you going to leave me in the street? Your phone, it’s loud.
Tyler Rake: The only chance of getting my money is you, mate. So no.
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: I am like a package then.
Tyler Rake: Yeah, pretty much.

Tyler Rake: Get in kid. Come on! Come on...
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: You hit him with the truck.
Tyler Rake: Yep!

Tyler Rake: Alright kid, Do you trust me?
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: No.
Tyler Rake: Good.
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: No...

Tyler Rake: Make yourself at home.
Nik Khan: There is a chicken in your bathroom.
Tyler Rake: I like chickens. Except when they s**t everywhere.


Ovi Mahajan Jr.: You don't look like a Tyler.
Tyler Rake: No? What I look like?.
Ovi Mahajan Jr.: A Brad.


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