Tommy Conlon Quotes

Latest Tommy Conlon quotes from Warrior

Tommy Conlon

Tommy Conlon chatacter image

Tommy Conlon is played by Tom Hardy in Warrior.


I think I liked you better when you were a drunk. image

I think I liked you better when you were a drunk.


 I'm serious. We train. That's it. I don't wanna hear a word about anything but training, you understand? You wanna tell your war stories, you can take 'em down to the VFW. You can take 'em to a meeting, or church, or wherever the hell it is you go nowadays. image

I'm serious. We train. That's it. I don't wanna hear a word about anything but training, you understand? You wanna tell your war stories, you can take 'em down to the VFW. You can take 'em to a meeting, or church, or wherever the hell it is you go nowadays.


You had a choice, okay. You had a choice. image

You had a choice, okay. You had a choice.


So you found God, huh? That's awesome. See, Mom kept calling out for him but he wasn't around. I guess Jesus was down at the mill forgiving all the drunks. Who knew?


Tiptoeing around here like a beggar - with your little cup.


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