Tom Doss Quotes

Latest Tom Doss quotes from Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Tom Doss

Tom Doss chatacter image

Tom Doss is played by Hugo Weaving in Hacksaw Ridge (2016).


Why stop 'em? Saves me whipping them both. This way, I just whip the one that wins. image

Why stop 'em? Saves me whipping them both. This way, I just whip the one that wins.


Artie got hit in the back. It blew most of his guts and intestines out his front, offal everywhere. Wrecked his uniform entirely. It was lucky he was dead, so he never knew how awful his uniform looked. image

Artie got hit in the back. It blew most of his guts and intestines out his front, offal everywhere. Wrecked his uniform entirely. It was lucky he was dead, so he never knew how awful his uniform looked.


 Is that truly the way it works, sir? You fight your country, you lose so much that was dear to you and then you're done with? The uniform is forgotten. You have no voice? image

Is that truly the way it works, sir? You fight your country, you lose so much that was dear to you and then you're done with? The uniform is forgotten. You have no voice?


Is that truly the way it works, sir? You fight your country, you lose so much that was dear to you and then you're done with? The uniform is forgotten. You have no voice?


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