Toht Quotes

Latest Toht quotes from Raiders of the Lost Ark


Toht chatacter image

Toht is played by Ronald Lacey in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Toht: Good evening, Fraulein.
Marion: The bar's closed.
Toht: We are... hehe... not thirsty.


Toht: Your fire is dying... here, why don't you tell me where the piece is right now?
Marion: Listen, Herr Mac, I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with, but nobody tells me what to do in my place.
Toht: Fräulein Ravenwood, let me show you what I am used to...


Marion: What do you want?
Toht: Ah, the same thing your friend Dr. Jones wanted. Surely he mentioned there would be other interested parties?
Marion: Must have slipped his mind.
Toht: The man is nefarious. I hope for your sake that he has not yet acquired it.
Marion: Why, are you willing to offer more?
Toht: Oh, almost certainly. Do you still have it?
Marion: No. image

Marion: What do you want?
Toht: Ah, the same thing your friend Dr. Jones wanted. Surely he mentioned there would be other interested parties?
Marion: Must have slipped his mind.
Toht: The man is nefarious. I hope for your sake that he has not yet acquired it.
Marion: Why, are you willing to offer more?
Toht: Oh, almost certainly. Do you still have it?
Marion: No.


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