Terry Malloy Quotes

Latest Terry Malloy quotes from On the Waterfront

Terry Malloy

Terry Malloy chatacter image

Terry Malloy is played by Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront.


Hey, you wanna hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you. image

Hey, you wanna hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you.


You think you're God Almighty, but you know what you are? You're a cheap, lousy, dirty, stinkin' mug! And I'm glad what I done to you, ya hear that? I'm glad what I done! image

You think you're God Almighty, but you know what you are? You're a cheap, lousy, dirty, stinkin' mug! And I'm glad what I done to you, ya hear that? I'm glad what I done!


Yeah his racket, everybody's got a racket. image

Yeah his racket, everybody's got a racket.


Conscience... that stuff can drive you nuts!


You know this city's full of hawks? That's a fact. They hang around on the top of the big hotels. And they spot a pigeon in the park. Right down on him.


Quite a nose, huh? Some people just have a face that sticks in your mind.


You know you're not too funny today, fat man.


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