Talk Show Hostess Quotes

Latest Talk Show Hostess quotes from Room

Talk Show Hostess

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Talk Show Hostess is played by Wendy Crewson in Room.


Talk Show Hostess: When he's older, will you tell Jack about his father?
Ma: Jack's not his. He's not his.
Talk Show Hostess: So are you saying that there were other men?
Ma: No! No. Um... A father is... a man who loves his child.
Talk Show Hostess: Of course. That's so true in a very real sense, but the... the biological relationship that you...
Ma: That's not a relationship.


Talk Show Hostess: When he was born, did it... did it ever occur to you to ask your captor to take Jack away?
Ma: Away?
Talk Show Hostess: Well, to take him to a hospital, say, leave him there, where he could be found?
Ma: Why... why would I do that?
Talk Show Hostess: So Jack could be free. Now, this is the ultimate sacrifice, and I understand that, but did you think about him having a normal childhood?
Ma: But he had me.
Talk Show Hostess: Of course he did. But was that the best thing for him?


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