Slinky Dog Quotes

Latest Slinky Dog quotes from Toy Story (1995)

Slinky Dog

Slinky Dog chatacter image

Slinky Dog is played by Jim Varney in Toy Story (1995).


Slinky Dog :  It's too short. We need more monkeys!
Rex : There aren't any more! That's the whole barrel!
Rex : Buzz, the monkeys aren't working! We're formulating another plan, so stay calm!
Rex : Where could he be? image

Slinky Dog : It's too short. We need more monkeys!
Rex : There aren't any more! That's the whole barrel!
Rex : Buzz, the monkeys aren't working! We're formulating another plan, so stay calm!
Rex : Where could he be?


Slinky Dog : It's Sid!
Rex : I thought he was at summer camp!
Hamm : They must've kicked him out early this year.
Rex : Oh no, not Sid! image

Slinky Dog : It's Sid!
Rex : I thought he was at summer camp!
Hamm : They must've kicked him out early this year.
Rex : Oh no, not Sid!


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