Roy Harper Quotes

Latest Roy Harper quotes from Arrow

Roy Harper

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Roy Harper is played by Colton Haynes in Arrow.


Roy Harper: Is this the part where you kill me 'cause I know your secret?
Oliver Queen: Do you actually think that I'd kill my sister's boyfriend?
Roy Harper: Well, you did shoot me in the leg. Forgiven, by the way.
Oliver Queen: Thea. She can never know.
Roy Harper: I get the feeling that if I did tell her, that would be when you kill me.
Oliver Queen: Trust that instinct.

Roy Harper: Last year, you saved my life. And I don't mean from the guy who kidnapped me. I mean, you... You saved my life. You gave me purpose.
Oliver Queen: We're just getting started.

Cisco Ramon: Yo, who was the hottie?
Roy Harper: My ex-girlfriend.
Felicity Smoak: Oliver's sister.
Cisco Ramon: So tay away, is what you're saying.


John Diggle: Sometimes, me and Oliver come down here after, you know, tough nights. He would pour this, look up and say "Prochnost."
Roy Harper: What does that mean?
John Diggle: I have no earthly idea. To Oliver.
Roy Harper: To Oliver.

John Diggle: Sometimes, me and Oliver come down here after, you know, tough nights. He would pour this, look up and say "Prochnost."
Roy Harper: What does that mean?
John Diggle: I have no earthly idea. To Oliver.
Roy Harper: To Oliver.

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