This is the country where the nuggets of gold are just crying out for you to take them out of the ground and make 'em shine in coins on the fingers and necks of swell dames.
Read more Fred C. Dobbs QuotesFrom: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Nobody puts one over on Fred C. Dobbs.
Dobbs: You know, if I was a native, I'd get me a can of shoe polish and I'd be in business. They'd never let a gringo. You can sit on a bench 'til you're three-quarters starved... you can beg from another gringo... you can even commit burglary. You try shinin' shoes in the street, peddlin' lemonade out of a bucket, and your hash is settled. You'll never get another job from an American.Curtin: Yeah, and the natives would hound and pester you to death.Dobbs: Some town to be broke in.Curtin: What town isn't?
Without me, you two would die here, more miserable than rats.