Queen Amidala Quotes

Latest Queen Amidala quotes from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)

Queen Amidala

Queen Amidala  chatacter image

Queen Amidala is played by Natalie Portman in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).


 I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war. image

I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.


 I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee! image

I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!


 It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions. I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the Senate. image

It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions. I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the Senate.


The Federation has gone too far this time. image

The Federation has gone too far this time.


You assume too much. image

You assume too much.


Queen Amidala : You're a slave?
Anakin : I'm a person and my name is Anakin.


Anakin : Are you an angel?
Queen Amidala : What?
Anakin : An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego, I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe.
Queen Amidala : You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
Anakin : I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here. I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm going to fly away from this place.


Anakin : I don't know if I'll ever see her again, I wanted to say goodbye.
Queen Amidala : We will tell her for you. We are sure her heart goes with you.


Get to your ships!


If this Body will not Act, I propose a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum's Leadership.


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