Micky Rosa Quotes

Latest Micky Rosa quotes from 21

Micky Rosa

Micky Rosa chatacter image

Micky Rosa is played by Kevin Spacey in 21.


I love a parade, don't you? You know, there's a word I don't throw around that often, 'genius'. image

I love a parade, don't you? You know, there's a word I don't throw around that often, 'genius'.


Micky Rosa : Is this your first time, darlin'?
Kianna : I've been winning and losing for hours.
Micky Rosa : Well, that's all right. I've been winning and losing for years.


Micky Rosa : You're off the team.
Fisher : No. I was drunk, I was...
Micky Rosa : I don't care what you were.
Fisher : I'm not leaving.
Micky Rosa : Yes, you are.
Fisher : What are you gonna do about it, huh?
Micky Rosa : You've been a big man for a long time, but you just acted like a child. So I want you to pick up the ticket and go home, because if you don't, you know exactly what I'm capable of doing, don't you?


Ben, let the car drive by itself. Listen, you not only have a gifted mind, but you're also composed. You don't give in to your emotion. You think logically. Ben, you were born for this. You'll have more fun than you've ever had your entire life. It's perfect.


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