Mary Cooper Quotes

Latest Mary Cooper quotes from Young Sheldon

Mary Cooper

Mary Cooper chatacter image

Mary Cooper is played by Zoe Perry in Young Sheldon.


For your information, Sheldon does not look down on women. He looks down on everyone. image

For your information, Sheldon does not look down on women. He looks down on everyone.


George Sr.: You saw it. My own son can't even imagine me being a role model. How am I supposed to be okay with that?
Mary Cooper: You're a role model for Georgie.
George Sr.: I used to be. Now he wants to grow up and be Tony Danza.
Mary Cooper: Did you forget you have a daughter who would really benefit from having a good man to look up to?
Mary Cooper: Oh dear Lord, you did forget.

Mary Cooper: Are you OK with this?
George Cooper Sr.: Yeah, I think it'd be good for him.
Mary Cooper: I don't know. I think his education should come first.
Georgie Cooper: Come on, Mom, it's not like I'm gonna graduate Valedictatortorian.
George Cooper Sr.: You heard him.

Sheldon Cooper: You think I have mental problems?
Mary Cooper: Well, not "problems". I'm just worried about your future. And when I see you moving sub-atomic particles around in the air, that makes me...
Sheldon Cooper: Sub-atomic particles are real! You talk to an invisible man in the sky who grants wishes. If anyone's mental, it's you!

Missy Cooper: Is Sheldon going to jail?
Mary Cooper: No!
Missy Cooper: Damn it

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