Maj. Anya Amasova Quotes

Latest Maj. Anya Amasova quotes from The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Maj. Anya Amasova

Maj. Anya Amasova chatacter image

Maj. Anya Amasova is played by Barbara Bach in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977).


Why don't you lie down and let me look at it. image

Why don't you lie down and let me look at it.

This is XXX. Message received and understood. image

This is XXX. Message received and understood.

Why don't you lie down and let me look at it.


KGB Radio Operator : Agent XXX. Calling Agent XXX. You will report to headquarters immediately. Agent XXX acknowledge and verify.
Agent XXX : This is XXX. Message received and understood.


M : Our respective governments have agreed to pool our resources to find out what happened to our submarines.
General Anatol Gogol : We have entered a new era of Anglo-Soviet cooperation and as a sign of Russian good faith, I'm prepared to make available to you the microfilm recovered by Agent XXX.
Agent XXX : With considerable ease, I might add.


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