Knox Overstreet Quotes

Latest Knox Overstreet quotes from Dead Poets Society

Knox Overstreet

Knox Overstreet chatacter image

Knox Overstreet is played by Josh Charles in Dead Poets Society.


The point, Charlie... is... that she was thinking about me. I've only met her once, and already she's thinking about me. image

The point, Charlie... is... that she was thinking about me. I've only met her once, and already she's thinking about me.

Gerard Pitts: Too bad.
Knox Overstreet: It's worse than "too bad," Pittsie. It's a tragedy. A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk.
Gerard Pitts: All the good ones go for jerks. You know that.

Charlie Dalton: It'll help you get Chris!
Knox Overstreet: Yeah? How?
Charlie Dalton: Women swoon!
Knox Overstreet: But why do they swoon?
Knox Overstreet: Charlie, tell me why they swoon! image

Charlie Dalton: It'll help you get Chris!
Knox Overstreet: Yeah? How?
Charlie Dalton: Women swoon!
Knox Overstreet: But why do they swoon?
Knox Overstreet: Charlie, tell me why they swoon!

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