Johnny Venere Quotes

Latest Johnny Venere quotes from Green Book

Johnny Venere

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Johnny Venere is played by Sebastian Maniscalco in Green Book.


Louie Venere : I got to admit... Lip's letters? They're not bad.
Rudy Vallelonga : Well, it's in the family. They say our great-great-great-grandfather helped Da Vinci with the Sixteen Chapel.
Johnny Venere : You mean Michaelangelo.
Rudy Vallelonga : ...Right.
Johnny Venere : What does Michaelangelo have to do with writing letters?
Rudy Vallelonga : I'm just sayin'. We're an arty family.


Louie Venere : I got to admit... Lip's letters? They're not bad.
Rudy Vallelonga : Well, it's in the family. They say our great-great-great-grandfather helped Da Vinci with the Sixteen Chapel.
Johnny Venere : You mean Michaelangelo.
Rudy Vallelonga : ...Right.
Johnny Venere : What does Michaelangelo have to do with writing letters?
Rudy Vallelonga : I'm just sayin'. We're an arty family.


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