Jimmy 'B-Rabbit' Smith Quotes

Latest Jimmy 'B-Rabbit' Smith quotes from 8 Mile

Jimmy 'B-Rabbit' Smith

Jimmy 'B-Rabbit' Smith chatacter image

Jimmy 'B-Rabbit' Smith is played by Eminem in 8 Mile.


This guy keeps screamin'! He's paranoid. Quick! Someone get his ass another steroid! image

This guy keeps screamin'! He's paranoid. Quick! Someone get his ass another steroid!

 I'm gonna turn around with a great smile, and walk my white ass back across 8 Mile. image

I'm gonna turn around with a great smile, and walk my white ass back across 8 Mile.

 Yo, that 'Leave it to Beaver' line almost killed me. image

Yo, that 'Leave it to Beaver' line almost killed me.

 This guy don't wanna win no battle, he's shook, 'cause ain't no such thing as HALFWAY CROOKS. image

This guy don't wanna win no battle, he's shook, 'cause ain't no such thing as HALFWAY CROOKS.

Mom, you gotta stop living your life like this! image

Mom, you gotta stop living your life like this!

As a matter of fact dawg, here's a pencil, go home, write some shit, make it suspenseful; and don't come back 'til somethin' dope hits you. Fuck it, you can take the mic home wit' you.

Ward, I think you were a little hard on the beaver. So was Eddie Haskell, Wally, and Mrs. Cleaver.

Don't ever try to judge me dude / You don't know what the fuck I've been through / But I know something about you / You went to Cranbrook - that's a private school / What's the matter, dog? / You're embarrassed? / This guy's a gangster? / His real name is Clarence / Now Clarence lives at home wit both parents / And Clarence parents have a real good marriage...

This man ain't no mother-fuckin' MC / I know everything he's got to say against me / I am white, I am a fucking bum / I do live in a trailer with my mom / My boy future is an Uncle Tom / I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob / Who shoots himself in the leg with his own gun / I did get jumped by all six of you chumps / And Wink did fuck my girl / I'm still standing here screaming

This man ain't no mother-fuckin' MC / I know everything he's got to say against me / I am white, I am a fucking bum / I do live in a trailer with my mom / My boy future is an Uncle Tom / I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob / Who shoots himself in the leg with his own gun / I did get jumped by all six of you chumps / And Wink did fuck my girl / I'm still standing here screaming "Fuck the Free World!"

You wanna know my motto?: Fuck Lotto! I'll get the seven digits from your mother for a dollar tomorrow.

At least I got a fuckin' job.

This guy raps like his parents jerked him. He sounds like Eric Sermon, the generic version.

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