Jill Masterson Quotes

Latest Jill Masterson quotes from Goldfinger 1964

Jill Masterson

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Jill Masterson is played by Shirley Eaton in Goldfinger 1964.


Jill Masterson : Who are you?
James Bond : Bond, James Bond.

James Bond : What's your name?
Jill Masterson : Jill.
James Bond : Jill who?
Jill Masterson : Jill Masterson.
James Bond : Tell me, Jill... why does he do it?
Jill Masterson : He likes to win.
James Bond : Why do you do it?
Jill Masterson : He pays me.
James Bond : Is that all he pays you for?
Jill Masterson : And for being seen with him.
James Bond : Just seen?
Jill Masterson : Just seen.
James Bond : Oh, I'm so glad. You're much too nice to be mixed up in anything like this, you know.

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